Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Elmo Gets in on the Action -- Day 86

Michelle was kind enough to pack Izzy a supply of ScooterSnacks for our Maine Vacation because we all know how CRAZY she is for them. Well my parent's dog, Elmo, is food dominant, but also pretty picky on his treats. Well Izzy had to share her snacks with him (cuz he was as crazy as Izzy is about them) and I had to be careful to give them each a treat with a distance separating them. Izzy had to eat her treats, food, etc. outside on the grass. By the end of the week, Elmo was carrying his treats out there to eat them with Izzy. And there was no competition, just a pair of dogs, happily eating their ScooterSnacks.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Izzy Lost More Weight! Day 85

I have great news. Izzy lost 4 POUNDS. Yes, the girl on her way to a new svelte doggy self. She is down to 73. Woohoo! and you can see it in her Saucy walk.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Back from Maine! Day 77 to 84

So Izzy had her annual trip to Maine. I realized something about this while we were there. I discovered Maine and Maine Camp, where we go, because of Izzy. The first time I accepted Nancy's invitation to go there was the first fall that Izzy came into my life. And I accepted partly because Nancy invited me every year since college, but mostly because Izzy could come along too. And we have gone every year since, and are now even joined by my family and friends.

Well this was a perfect week. The weather was great. The water was warm. Izzy and I swam almost every day. We walked the beach, we hiked the train, I ate Lobstah. The cutest was when I set up my blanket and umbrella on the beach and Izzy would dig her hole next to my blanket, in the shade of the umbrella and lay down right next to me. I loved it!

So this week, I only came prepared with half a week's worth of food, due to the limited space in the frig. I also had the "special sauce" from Michelle and the idea about how to prepare some food for Izzy. Well, It was a hit with Elmo, my parent's dog (he normally gets wellness). Izzy was a little more subjective about my concoction. Definitely she prefers the Scooter Food made by Michelle. So sad, even my dog does not like my cooking…