Saturday, August 15, 2009

Izzy's on Vacation --Day 76

Izzy is away in Maine for the week, frolicking in the ocean, eating barbecue and generally enjoying nature.

She'll be back in about 9 days with some awesome photos and lots of stories.

We know you can't wait!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Through the Slats of a Bench -- Day 75

So I can't tell if this is a desperate cry for ScooterSnacks or a look of suffering because she's not getting any.

In any case Izzy has determined that putting her head through the slats of a park bench is an excellent way to get more treats.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ben's Beautiful Head -- Day 74

OK this post isn't about Izzy. Had to slip one in about Ben and his beautiful head... It's like a slip-stream mobile home -- rounded edges with a blunt front end made for cutting through wind.

Ben has the advantage of meltingly beautiful brown eyes.

Last night Mr. Ben tore off his dew claw. But I only discovered it this morning. Well Sharon discovered it actually.

He seems fine. Not limping. And still running around like a mad man.

I put some Neosporin on after cleaning the wound with saline solution. No bleeding so I'm guessing he's fine.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Jedi Master Training -- Day 73

Is Izzy turning Ben to the dark side?

Look at these 2. They are working every trick that they have to get treats. And Ben is Michelle's. He gets Scooterfood and treats all the time. He has no fear of cut off!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hungry, Hungry Hippo -- Day 72

Izzy loves Michelle and the scooter treats. Look at her. Eating right out of her hand. Izzy would probably grab a treat right out of her hand if she could. or her bag.

We had been away for 3 days, and instead of marking her territory and greeting her friends, Izzy had to find Michelle.