Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Running Around with Mr. Smith -- Day 31

It is getting hot and humid, but Izzy makes it to the park every morning. And we end up staying for a while. She loves to meet and greet all her friends. (and flirt if there are handsome boys We walked with Suzie, Sweetie Pie and Izzy 2. When Denise was giving out treats Izzy threw herself in that mix but did turn her nose up at the dry food. Denise used to have to hunt Izzy down to give her treats, so this is a big change in her.

She got chicken today, for both meals. Warmed up, of course. She did get some chicken treats. She so loves them!

Erin fed her dinner around 4pm and later Lisa picked her up to hang out with Mr. Smith as we had dinner. Lisa said that Izzy was so funny, laying on her side, expecting chicken to be fed to her like grapes. Oh, if only I had a picture! She acts so royal!

When I showed up Izzy raced down the stairs with Smithers, greeted me, and went back up them. Lisa lives in a 3rd floor walk up, and Izzy, in the past, has struggled with the second flight of stairs. It was not a problem today. AND then Izzy and Smithers played around the living room. Izzy even started it. When we got home she got her red devil ball (the rubber toys with horns and feet) and wanted to play more. In the winter I would not be so surprised about this, but this is JULY. She does not usually act so playful in the hote humid months.

One other thing that I noticed is that she is drinking less water. Normally in the summer, her big water bowl would be almost empty at the end of the day. I wonder if it is because she is getting more water from the food. Not sure.

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